📤How to Send BRC20 from Libre to UniSat

Creating a transfer block and transferring BRC20 from Libre to Bitcoin.

  1. Log into your accounts on LibreDEX as shown in this How-To.

  2. Go to Wallet tab:

  1. Hit send next to the BRC20 asset you wish to send to the BTC network:

  1. Set the amount of tokens to transfer to your UniSat BTC wallet. In this example we are sending 150 VMPX tokens. Once entered, hit the blue “Create Block” button:

  1. This will trigger signing via your Anchor or Bitcoin Libre wallet. This example is using Anchor on desktop:

  1. Once done a “Transferable Block” will appear and become pending:

  1. At this stage some time will need to pass before the transferrable block can be created on the Bitcoin blockchain. It can take upwards of 30 mins for this step to conclude. Once done the UI will update to show this:

  1. From here you can click on the "Transferable Block" link to see it. It will look like this in the mempool.space explorer:

  1. Next to complete the transfer of the assets from Libre to BTC, hit the “Send to UniSat” button:

  1. A pop-up for the send transaction will appear. Your BTC wallet address is partially shown so you can confirm this is correct. Note there is a fee associated for this transaction. Hit "Send" if acceptable.

  1. This will load an Anchor signing request if using an Anchor wallet. This can be done via a smartphone with your Achor wallet app, or from the PC version of Anchor, as shown in this example:

  1. Since this is the PC version of Anchor, hit “Launch Anchor” if it doesn’t automatically pop up the signing request, which looks like this:

  1. Sign the request via the green box. After this you will see a pop up of that it was successful. This transaction is now removed from your UI.

  1. At this point the transaction will execute on the BTC blockchain and once completed the newly transferred assets will appear in your UniSat wallet.

  1. If you would like to see this, and previous Peg-In and Out transactions click on the “Show History” button in the Wallet Tab of LibreDEX.



Last updated