🤝How To Connect Wallets to LibreDEX

Step-by-step how to connect wallets to LibreDEX.

  1. Connect your Libre wallet:

  1. Here you have the option to connect via the Bitcoin Libre Wallet on your smartphone (either Android or IOS) or via the Anchor Wallet (available on PC, or smartphone). The following is connecting via Anchor loaded onto the PC:

  1. As this is with Anchor on PC, “Launch Anchor” will be selected:

  1. Once the green box with a pencil is selected the account will be logged in and shown in the top right corner of the LibreDex UI:

  1. To connect your UniSat wallet, go to the Wallet tab:

  1. Click the “Connect UniSat Wallet” button. If the button doesn't work right away, refresh your browser and try again. The following will pop up if working properly via your installed Chrome extension:

  1. Once your password is entered, and you hit “Unlock”, click “Connect” with UniSat Wallet:

  1. Your LibreDex interface now shows both your Libre account holdings and your BTC holdings via the UniSat wallet:

Last updated