📩How to Send BRC20 from UniSat to Libre

Creating a transfer block and transferring BRC20 from UniSat to Libre.

  1. Log into your accounts on LibreDEX as shown in this How-To.

  2. Open your UniSat Extension where you can see your BRC-20 assets. If they don't show, be sure to click the "BRC-20" vs "ALL" option as seen below:

  1. Now select which BRC-20 you would like to send to LibreDEX. The only option in this example is to send VMPX of which 150 are owned. Click on the token symbol in Orange to select that asset to send. You will then be able to see how many BRC-20 tokens are available for transfer. In this example 150 VMPX could be sent. Hit "Transfer" to proceed:

  1. Next click the difficult to see "Inscribe TRANSFER" button:

  1. Now you can enter the amount of tokens you'd like to send. You can also select different confirmation speeds based on how much you would like to pay for the transaction fee. Avg is auto-selected and kept for this example. 150 VMPX are being selected here, hit "Next" to continue.

If this is a brand new UniSat BTC wallet that doesn't have any actual BTC in it, you will need to send it some to cover the transaction fees. The error message for this is shown as follows:

  1. You can send BTC to this wallet by navigating back to the extension’s main screen and hitting "Receive". This will bring up a QR code that any other BTC wallet can send to.

When your UniSat BTC wallet is charged with some sats, the "Next" button will bring you to this "Inscribe TRANSFER" summary:

  1. Hit "Next" to proceed. You will now have an option to perform a final review of the transaction before you "Sign & Pay":

After selecting “Sign & Pay” a holding screen will appear that will last for a few seconds:

  1. Once complete you should be able to select "Done" to proceed.

  1. You will now see the token amount and ticker in the “TRANSFER Inscription” section:

  1. Click "Next" to continue. If the "Next" button is greyed out, be sure to select the box of the TRANSFER Inscription itself so it turns green from black. When unclicked it looks like this:

  1. After selecting “Next” navigate back to your LibreDEX Wallet tab were you can now see the BRC-20 tokens and their corresponding Transferable Block number:

  1. You may need to set your address via the "Set Address" Action link in the bottom right. If it needs to be set, hit that button and then in the pop-up select the "Set Address" button:

  1. You will now be prompted to sign the transaction with your Libre account. This demonstration is with Anchor loaded on a PC, and selects the "Launch Anchor" button at the bottom:

  1. Once you have signed the transaction, you should see "Success" and be back to the Wallet tab on LibreDEX.

Refresh the page and now you will see the "Set Address" text has been replaced with "Send to Libre".

  1. After selecting “Send to Libre” your UniSat wallet extension will open:

  1. Notice there are fees and the total spend amount is greater than the 0.00000546 sats associated with these BRC-20 tokens. Select "Sign & Pay" to proceed:

  1. Immediately, a notification will appear in the bottom left of your screen indicating it was a success and a link to where you can see that transaction on the Libre Blockchain.

You will now notice your transaction is "pending":

  1. After a page refresh you should now see that the Transaction is removed from the "Bitcoin" section of the UI and instead you will now have those tokens credited to your Libre section.

This account had 50 VMPX prior to this transfer of these 150 tokens:

  1. Select "Show History" to see the this most recent transaction along with your others:


Last updated